LA Galaxy fight their way to a 2-2 tie against Chicago Fire

Written by Staff Writer

The LA Galaxy came back from being down 2-0 to tie Chicago Fire on Saturday.
Photo by: Michael Janosz

It was looking pretty bleak for the LA Galaxy during the first half of their game against Chicago Fire this Saturday. However, they managed to come back in the second half from being down two goals and tie the game 2-2.

It all started in minute 13 when David Accam made a goal for Chicago Fire.  Then, just three minutes later, they were at is again.  This time, it was Nemanja Nikolic who tipped the scales even further in Chicago Fire’s favoring, scoring another goal for them. By halftime, they had managed to keep their 2-0 lead and shut the Galaxy out.  However, the Fire had no idea what was coming next.

LA Galaxy coach Curt Onalfo had made a couple of substitutions and it was almost like a different team came back after the half. The Galaxy came back with a fire, and it wasn’t long before a goal followed.

In minute 56 Daniel Steres put the Galaxy on the board making a goal on a corner kick.   Then, just 9 minutes later, they were back at it again when Giovani dos Santos scored, tying up the game.

Despite their best efforts, the Galaxy was not able to score a third goal to clinch the game. The final score ended at 2-2.  While they may have only tied, their determination and ability to turn it on and come back from behind shows promise for what is to come.

Next, the LA Galaxy will take on the NY Red Bulls on May 14th at 3:00.

Daniel Steres scored in minute 56 for the LA Galaxy.
Photo by: Michael Janosz

Photos by ISI.

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Staff Writer

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