Marc Bartra sustained reported injuries to his hand and arm. He was hospitalized and is now in stable condition.
Photo by: Jose L. Argueta
Borussia Dortmund was supposed play Monaco Tuesday night in their Champions League semi-final, however, the team never made it to the stadium. Just before Borussia Dortmund was scheduled to take the field, three explosions hit right near where their tour bus was.
“”This evening, shortly after 7.00 pm, three explosions happened close to Borussia Dortmund’s team bus. The BVB bus had just left the hotel at Schirrmann Weg, Dortmund-Höchsten. Schirrmann Weg is the exit and access road to the hotel and three explosions happened in this area. Two of the glass windows in the bus were broken on the rear right side through this, through the explosion or the glass, I don’t know exactly,” Dortmund Police spokesperson, Cornelia Weigandt said according to Reuters.
One player, 26-year-old Marc Bartra, was hurt. He reportedly sustained injuries to his arm and his hand. Bartra was hospitalized and is currently in stable condition. Although a lot remains unclear about this attack, including the motives, the team must recover quickly. Their semi-final match has been rescheduled for tomorrow evening, where there will reportedly be heightened security.
Borussia Dortmund thanked fans on Twitter for their support, and even offered help to their opposing teams fans who were in need of accommodations.
Borussia Dortmund on Twitter: “Dear supporters of @AS_Monaco_EN! If you need accommodation in Dortmund, please check #bedforawayfans. #bvbasm / Twitter”
Dear supporters of @AS_Monaco_EN! If you need accommodation in Dortmund, please check #bedforawayfans. #bvbasm
Photos by ISI.