
Fans outraged as convicted murderer allowed to play professional soccer in Brazil

Written by Staff Writer


Bruno Souza has been released from jail on a technicality.

Bruno Fernandes de Souza, had a promising career as a star goalie for Flamengo in Rio de Janiero.  He had fame, fortune, and a promising career ahead of him until everything changed.  In 2010 he was convicted of arranging the gruesome murder of ex-girlfriend, Eliza Samudio. 

Fernandes was married to another when he met Samudio in 2009.   Samudio became pregnant as a result of the affair and had a child.   A DNA test confirmed that the child, a boy, belonged to Souza. 

 Samudio was in the process of seeking out child support in court when, according to telegraph UK, “she was lured, with her son into a car with the promise that Fernandes was going to give her a house. Instead she was pistol-whipped and driven to Fernandes’ apartment where she was tied to a chair and tortured for six days, in front of her son.”

According to multiple reports, Samudio was strangled to death and her remains were subsequently fed to dogs. Despite evidence piling up against him, Souza continually claimed he was innocent. 

Even when, according to CNN “the goalkeeper’s cousin told the court…that he had helped to dismember [Samudio’s] body and fed her to several dogs,” Souza still maintained that he was not guilty. 

 Souza was eventually sentenced to 22 years in prison for homicide, kidnapping and hiding Samudio.  After serving not even seven full years, Souza was released on a technicality.

He has now controversially been signed on to play with Boa Esporte.  The club has received a massive amount of criticism from fans and sponsors alike.  Several sponsors have revoked their relationship with the club and many fans are outraged the team will have a convicted murderer on their roster.  

Bruno Souza is now signed to play with Boa Esporte.

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Staff Writer

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